Tag Archives: accessibility

HTML5 multi-track audio or video

In the last months, we’ve been working hard at the WHATWG and W3C to spec out new HTML markup and a JavaScript interface for dealing with audio or video content that has more than just one audio and video track.

This is particularly relevant when a Web page author wants to add a sign language track to a video or audio resource for deaf people, or an audio description track (i.e. a sound track in which a speaker explains the key things that can be seen on screen) for blind people. It is also relevant when a Web page author wants to publish a video with multiple audio tracks that are each a different language dub for the video and can be used for less common cases such as a director’s comment track, or making available different camera angles for an event.

Just to be clear: this is not a means to introduce video editing functionality into the Web browser. If you want to do edits, you’re better off with an application that will eventually render a new piece of content and includes fancy transitions etc. Similarly, this is not a means to introduce mixing functionality (as in what DJs do when they play with multiple audio recordings). You’re better off with an actual audio mixing or DJ application that will provide you all sorts of amazing effects and filters.

So, multi-track is squarely focused on synchronizing alternative or additional tracks to a single resource with a single timeline to which all tracks are slaved.

Two means of publishing such multi-track media content are possible:

  • In-band multi-track
  • Synchronized resources

1. In-band multi-track

In in-band multi-track, there is a single file that has all all the tracks inside it. For this single file, there is now an API in HTML5 that allows addressing and controlling these tracks.

Of the video file formats that Web browsers support, WebM is currently not defined to contain more than one audio or video track. However, since WebM is using the Matroska container format, which supports multi-track, it is possible to extend WebM for multi-track resources. I have seen multitrack Ogg, MP4 and Matroska files in the wild and most media players support their display.

The specification that has gone into HTML5 to support in-band multi-track looks as follows:

interface HTMLMediaElement : HTMLElement {
  // tracks
  readonly attribute AudioTrackList audioTracks;
  readonly attribute VideoTrackList videoTracks;

interface AudioTrackList : EventTarget {
  readonly attribute unsigned long length;
  getter AudioTrack (unsigned long index);
  AudioTrack? getTrackById(DOMString id);

           attribute EventHandler onchange;
           attribute EventHandler onaddtrack;
           attribute EventHandler onremovetrack;

interface AudioTrack {
  readonly attribute DOMString id;
  readonly attribute DOMString kind;
  readonly attribute DOMString label;
  readonly attribute DOMString language;
           attribute boolean enabled;

interface VideoTrackList : EventTarget {
  readonly attribute unsigned long length;
  getter VideoTrack (unsigned long index);
  VideoTrack? getTrackById(DOMString id);
  readonly attribute long selectedIndex;

           attribute EventHandler onchange;
           attribute EventHandler onaddtrack;
           attribute EventHandler onremovetrack;

interface VideoTrack {
  readonly attribute DOMString id;
  readonly attribute DOMString kind;
  readonly attribute DOMString label;
  readonly attribute DOMString language;
           attribute boolean selected;

You will notice that every audio and video track gets an index to address them. You can enable and disable individual audio tracks (via the enabled attribute) and you can select a single video track for display (via the selectedIndex attribute). This means that one or more audio tracks can be active at the same time (e.g. main audio and audio description), but only one video track will be active at a time (e.g. main video or sign language).

Through the id, kind, label and language attributes you can find out more about what actual content is available in the individual tracks so as to activate/deactivate them correctly and display the right information about them.

kind identifies the type of content that the track exposes such as “description” (for audio description), “sign” (for sign language), “main” (for the default displayed track), “translation” (for a dubbed audio track), and “alternative” (for an alternative to the default track).

label provides a human readable string that describes the content of the track aiming to be used in a menu.

id provides a short machine-readable string that can be used to construct a media fragment URI for the track. The use case for this will be discussed later.

language provides a machine-readable language code to identify which language is spoken or signed in an audio or sign language video track.

Example 1:

The following uses a video file that has a main video track, a main audio track in English and French, and an audio description track in English and French. (It likely also has caption tracks, but we will ignore text tracks for now.) This code sample switches the French audio tracks on and all other audio tracks off.

<video id="v1" poster=“video.png” controls>
 <source src=“video.ogv” type=”video/ogg”>
 <source src=“video.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>

<script type="text/javascript">
video = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];

for (i=0; i < video.audioTracks.length; i++) {
  if (video.audioTracks[i].language.substring(0,2) === "fr") {
    video.audioTracks[i].enabled = true;
  } else {
    video.audioTracks[i].enabled = false;

Example 2:

The following uses a audio file that has a main audio track in English, no main video track, but sign language video tracks in ASL (American Sign Language), BSL (British Sign Language), and ASF (Australian Sign Language). This code sample switches the Australian sign language track on and all other video tracks off.

<video id="a1" controls>
 <source src=“audio_sign.ogg” type=”video/ogg”>
 <source src=“audio_sign.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>

<script type="text/javascript">
video = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];

for (i=0; i< video.videoTracks.length; i++) {
  if (video.videoTracks[i].language === 'sgn-asf') {
    video.videoTracks[i].selected = true;
  } else {
    video.videoTracks[i].selected = false;

If you have more tracks in both examples that conflict with your intentions, you may need to further filter your activation / deactivation code using the kind attribute.

2. Synchronized resources

Sometimes the production process of media creates not a single resource with multiple contained tracks, but multiple resources that all share the same timeline. This is particularly useful for the Web, because it means the user can download only the required resources, typically saving a substantial amount of bandwidth.

For this situation, an attribute called @mediagroup can be added in markup to slave multiple media elements together. This is administrated in the JavaScript API through a MediaController object, which provides events and attributes for the combined multi-track object.

The new IDL interfaces for HTMLMediaElement are as follows:

interface HTMLMediaElement : HTMLElement {
  // media controller
           attribute DOMString mediaGroup;
           attribute MediaController? controller;

enum MediaControllerPlaybackState { "waiting", "playing", "ended" };
interface MediaController : EventTarget {
  readonly attribute unsigned short readyState; // uses HTMLMediaElement.readyState's values

  readonly attribute TimeRanges buffered;
  readonly attribute TimeRanges seekable;
  readonly attribute unrestricted double duration;
           attribute double currentTime;

  readonly attribute boolean paused;
  readonly attribute MediaControllerPlaybackState playbackState;
  readonly attribute TimeRanges played;
  void pause();
  void unpause();
  void play(); // calls play() on all media elements as well

           attribute double defaultPlaybackRate;
           attribute double playbackRate;

           attribute double volume;
           attribute boolean muted;

           attribute EventHandler onemptied;
           attribute EventHandler onloadedmetadata;
           attribute EventHandler onloadeddata;
           attribute EventHandler oncanplay;
           attribute EventHandler oncanplaythrough;
           attribute EventHandler onplaying;
           attribute EventHandler onended;
           attribute EventHandler onwaiting;

           attribute EventHandler ondurationchange;
           attribute EventHandler ontimeupdate;
           attribute EventHandler onplay;
           attribute EventHandler onpause;
           attribute EventHandler onratechange;
           attribute EventHandler onvolumechange;

You will notice that the MediaController replicates some of the states and events of the slave media elements. In general the approach is that the attributes represent the summary state from all the elements and the writable attributes when set are handed through to all the slave elements.

Importantly, if the individual media elements have @controls activated, then the displayed controls interact with the MediaController thus allowing synchronized playback and interaction with the combined multi-track object.

Example 3:

The following uses a video file that has a main video track, a main audio track in English. There is another video file with the ASL sign language for the video, and an audio file with the audio description in English. This code sample creates controls on the first file, which then also control the audio description and the sign language video, neither of which have controls. Since the audio description doesn’t have controls, it doesn’t get visually displayed. The sign language video will just sit next to the main video without controls.

<video id="v1" poster=“video.png” controls mediagroup="a11y_vid">
 <source src=“video.webm” type=”video/webm”>
 <source src=“video.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>

<video id="v2" poster=“sign.png” mediagroup="a11y_vid">
 <source src=“sign.webm” type=”video/webm”>
 <source src=“sign.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>

<audio id="a1" mediagroup="a11y_vid">
 <source src=“audio.ogg” type=”audio/ogg”>
 <source src=“audio.mp3” type=”audio/mp3”>

Example 4:

We now accompany a main video with three sign language video tracks in ASL, BSL and ASF. We could just do this in JavaScript and replace the currentSrc of a second video element with the links to BSL and ASF as required, but then we need to run our own media controls to list the available tracks. So, instead, we create a video element for each one of the tracks and use CSS to remove the inactive ones from the page layout. The code sample activates the ASF track and deactivates the other sign language tracks.

  video.inactive { display: none; }

<video id="v1" poster=“video.png” controls mediagroup="a11y_vid" class="inactive">
 <source src=“video.webm” type=”video/webm”>
 <source src=“video.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>

<video id="v2" poster=“sign_asl.png” mediagroup="a11y_vid" >
 <source src=“sign_asl.webm” type=”video/webm”>
 <source src=“sign_asl.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>

<video id="v3" poster=“sign_bsl.png” mediagroup="a11y_vid" class="inactive">
 <source src=“sign_bsl.webm” type=”video/webm”>
 <source src=“sign_bsl.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>

<video id="v4" poster=“sign_asf.png” mediagroup="a11y_vid" class="inactive">
 <source src=“sign_asf.webm” type=”video/webm”>
 <source src=“sign_asf.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>

<script type="text/javascript">
videos = document.getElementsByTagName("video");

for (i=0; i < videos.length; i++) {
  if (videos[i].currentSrc.match(/asf/g).length > 0) {
    videos[i].class = "";
  } else {
    videos[i].class = "active";

Example 5:

In this final example we look at what to do when we have a in-band multi-track resource with multiple video tracks that should all be displayed on screen. This is not a simple problem to solve because a video element is only allowed to display a single video track at a time. Therefore for this problem you need to use both approaches: in-band and synchronized resources.

We take a in-band multitrack resource with a main video and audio track and three sign language tracks in ASL, BSL and ASF. The second resource will be made up from the URI of the first resource with a media fragment address of the sign language tracks. (If required, these can be discovered using the getID() function on the first resource.) The markup will look as follows:

<video id="v1" poster=“video.png” controls mediagroup="a11y_vid">
 <source src=“video.ogv#track=v_main&track=a_main” type=”video/ogv”>
 <source src=“video.mp4#track=v_main&track=a_main” type=”video/mp4”>

<video id="v2" poster=“sign.png” controls mediagroup="a11y_vid">
 <source src=“video.ogv#track=asl&track=bsl&track=asf” type=”video/ogv”>
 <source src=“video.mp4#track=asl&track=bsl&track=asf” type=”video/mp4”>

Note that with multiple video elements you can always style them in the way that you want them displayed on screen. E.g. if you want a picture-in-picture display, you scale the second video down and absolutely position it on top of the first one in the appropriate location. You can even grab the second video into a canvas, chroma-key your sign language speaker on a green or blue screen and remove that background through some canvas processing before popping it on top of the video.

The world is all yours!

HOWEVER: There is one big caveat on all these specs – while they have all found entry into the HTML5 specification, it would be expecting a bit much to have browser support already. 🙂

UPDATE 23 July 2014: I’ve just changed this to use the latest spec, which should also at least partially be implemented already.

WebVTT explained

On Wednesday, I gave a talk at Google about WebVTT, the Web Video Text Track file format that is under development at the WHATWG for solving time-aligned text challenges for video.

I started by explaining all the features that WebVTT supports for captions and subtitles, mentioned how WebVTT would be used for text audio descriptions and navigation/chapters, and explained how it is included into HTML5 markup, such that the browser provides some default rendering for these purposes. I also mentioned the metadata approach that allows any timed content to be included into cues.

The talk slides include a demo of how the <track> element works in the browser. I’ve actually used the Captionator polyfill for HTML5 to make this demo, which was developed by Chris Giffard and is available as open source from GitHub.

The talk was recorded and has been made available as a Google Tech talk with captions and also a separate version with extended audio descriptions.

The slides of the talk are also available (best to choose the black theme).

I’ve also created a full transcript of the described video.

Get the WebVTT specification from the WHATWG Website.

Linux.conf.au 2011: The Latest and Coolest with HTML5 Video

I gave a talk at LCA 2011 in Brisbane about some of the things that I have learnt and code I have developed during writing my book, see http://www.amazon.com/Definitive-Guide-HTML5-Video/dp/1430230908/ . The talk announcement: The new HTML 5 specification continues to change – a particularly large number of changes are still happening for audio and video. Not just that we were provided with a new open codec format called WebM which didn’t really change any functionality, but may eventually lead to a common baseline codec. But just in July 2010 features for accessibility and a new caption format called WebSRT have been introduced. Also, a new video API is being discussed that will expose analytics about the video performance, e.g. the number of dropped frames, the download rate, and the playback rate. Lastly, a audio data API is proposed that allows the programmer to access raw audio data and do cool thing such as frequency analysis. I will provide a brief introduction to the new HTML5 video and audio elements, their JavaScript API and already standardized and available functionality in modern Web Browsers, such as pixel manipulation through the Canvas or the application of SVG filters to videos. Then I will show some cool demos of what will be possible once the newer features are standardized and rolled out. This talk will contain lots of “bling”, i.e. lots of visual and aural demonstrations, but there will also be technical content at the level required by more or less hard-core Web developers. Do not expect a kernel talk from this though. For slides see: http://blog.gingertech.net/2011/01/27/html5-video-presentations-at-lca-2011/ Creative Commons licensed http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ by Linux Australia

Category: Array
Uploaded by: Silvia Pfeiffer
Hosted: youtube

HTML5 Video Presentations at LCA 2011

Working in the WHAT WG and the W3C HTML WG, you sometimes forget that all the things that are being discussed so heatedly for standardization are actually leading to some really exciting new technologies that not many outside have really taken note of yet.

This week, during the Australian Linux Conference in Brisbane, I’ve been extremely lucky to be able to show off some awesome new features that browser vendors have implemented for the audio and video elements. The feedback that I got from people was uniformly plain surprise – nobody expected browser to have all these capabilities.

The examples that I showed off have mostly been the result of working on a book for almost 9 months of the past year and writing lots of examples of what can be achieved with existing implementations and specifications. They have been inspired by diverse demos that people made in the last years, so the book is linking to many more and many more amazing demos.

Incidentally, I promised to give a copy of the book away to the person with the best idea for a new Web application using HTML5 media. Since we ran out of time, please shoot me an email or a tweet (@silviapfeiffer) within the next 4 weeks and I will send another copy to the person with the best idea. The copy that I brought along was given to a student who wanted to use HTML5 video to display on surfaces of 3D moving objects.

So, let’s get to the talks.

On Monday, I gave a presentation on “Audio and Video processing in HTML5“, which had a strong focus on the Mozilla Audio API.

I further gave a brief lightning talk about “HTML5 Media Accessibility Update“. I am expecting lots to happen on this topic during this year.

Finally, I gave a presentation today on “The Latest and Coolest in HTML5 Media” with a strong focus on video, but also touching on audio and media accessibility.

The talks were streamed live – congrats to Ryan Verner for getting this working with support from Ben Hutchings from DebConf and the rest of the video team. The videos will apparently be available from http://linuxconfau.blip.tv/ in the near future.

UPDATE 4th Feb 2011: And here is my LCA talk …

with subtitles on YouTube:

Accessibility to Web video for the Vision-Impaired

In the past week, I was invited to an IBM workshop on audio/text descriptions for video in Japan. Geoff Freed and Trisha O’Connell from WGBH, and Michael Evans from BBC research were the other invited experts to speak about the current state of video accessibility around the world and where things are going in TV/digital TV and the Web.

The two day workshop was very productive. The first day was spent with presentations which were open to the public. A large vision-impaired community attended to understand where technology is going. It was very humbling to be part of an English-spoken workshop in Japan, where much of the audience is blind, but speaks English much better than my average experience with English in Japan. I met many very impressive and passionate people that are creating audio descriptions, adapting NVDA for the Japanese market, advocating to Broadcasters and Government to create more audio descriptions, and perform fundamental research for better tools to create audio descriptions. My own presentation was on “HTML5 Video Descriptions“.

On the second day, we only met with the IBM researchers and focused discussions on two topics:

  1. How to increase the amount of video descriptions
  2. HTML5 specifications for video descriptions

The first topic included concerns about guidelines for description authoring by beginners, how to raise awareness, who to lobby, and what production tools are required. I personally was more interested in the second topic and we moved into a smaller breakout group to focus on these discussions.

HTML5 specifications for video descriptions
Two topics were discussed related to video descriptions: text descriptions and audio descriptions. Text descriptions are descriptions authored as time-aligned text snippets and read out by a screen reader. Audio descriptions are audio recordings either of a human voice or even of a TTS (text-to-speech) synthesis – in either case, they are audio samples.

For a screen reader, the focus was actually largely on NVDA and people were very excited about the availability of this open source tool. There is a concern about how natural-sounding a screen reader can be made and IBM is doing much research there with some amazing results. In user experiment between WGBH and IBM they found that the more natural the voice sounds, the more people comprehend, but between a good screen reader and an actual human voice there is not much difference in the comprehension level. Broadcasters and other high-end producers are unlikely to accept TTS and will prefer the human voice, but for other materials – in particular for the large majority of content on the Web – TTS and screen readers can make a big difference.

An interesting lesson that I learnt was that video descriptions can be improved by 30% (i.e. 30% better comprehension) if we introduce extended descriptions, i.e. descriptions that can pause the main video to allow for a description be read for something that happens in the video, but where there is no obvious pause to read out the description. So, extended descriptions are one of the major challenges to get right.

We then looked at the path that we are currently progressing on in HTML5 with WebSRT, the TimedTrack API, the <track> elements and the new challenges around a multitrack API.

For text descriptions we identified a need for the following:

  • extension marker on cues: often it is very clear to the author of a description cue that there is no time for the cue to be read out in parallel to the main audio and the video needs to be paused. The proposal is for introduction of an extension marker on the cue to pause the video until the screen reader is finished. So, a speech-complete event from the screen reader API needs to be dealt with. To make this reliable, it might make sense to put a max duration on the cue so the video doesn’t end up waiting endlessly in case the screen reader event isn’t fired. The duration would be calculated based on a typical word speaking rate.
  • importance marker on cues: the duration of all text cues being read out by screen readers depends on the speed set-up of the screen reader. So, even when a cue has been created for a given audio break in the video, it may or may not fit into this break. For most cues it is important that they are read out completely before moving on, but for some it’s not. So, an importance maker could be introduced that determines whether a video stops at the end of the cue to allow the screen reader to finish, or whether the screen reader is silenced at that time no matter how far it has gotten.
  • ducking during cues: making the main audio track quieter in relation to the video description for the duration of a cue such as to allow the comprehension of the video description cue is important for comprehension
  • voice hints: an instruction at the beginning of the text description file for what voice to choose such that it won’t collide with e.g. the narrator voice of a video – typically the choice will be for a female voice when the narrator is male and the other way around – this will help initialize the screen reader appropriately
  • speed hints: an indicator at the beginning of a text description toward what word rate was used as the baseline for the timing of the cue durations such that a screen reader can be initialized with this
  • synthesis directives: while not a priority, eventually it will make for better quality synchronized text if it is possible to include some of the typical markers that speech synthesizers use (see e.g. SSML or speech CSS), including markers for speaker change, for emphasis, for pitch change and other prosody. It was, in fact, suggested that the CSS3’s speech module may be sufficient in particular since Opera already implements it.

This means we need to consider extending WebSRT cues with an “extension” marker and an “importance” marker. WebSRT further needs header-type metadata to include a voice and a speed hint for screen readers. The screen reader further needs to work more closely with the browser and exchange speech-complete events and hints for ducking. And finally we may need to allow for CSS3 speech styles on subparts of WebSRT cues, though I believe this latter one is not of high immediate importance.

For audio descriptions we identified a need for:

  • external/in-band descriptions: allowing external or in-band description tracks to be synchronized with the main video. It would be assumed in this case that the timeline of the description track is identical to the main video.
  • extended external descriptions: since it’s impossible to create in-band extended descriptions without changing the timeline of the main video, we can only properly solve the issue of extended audio descriptions through external resources. One idea that we came up with is to use a WebSRT file with links to short audio recordings as external extended audio descriptions. These can then be synchronized with the video and pause the video at the correct time etc through JavaScript. This is probably a sufficient solution for now. It supports both, sighted and vision-impaired users and does not extend the timeline of the original video. As an optimization, we can also do this through a single “virtual” resource that is a concatenation of the individual audio cues and is addressed through the WebSRT file with byte ranges.
  • ducking: making the main audio track quieter in relation to the video description for the duration of a cue such as to allow the comprehension of the video description cue is important for comprehension also with audio files, though it may be more difficult to realize
  • separate loudness control: making it possible for the viewer to separately turn the loudness of an audio description up/down in comparison to the main audio

For audio descriptions, we saw the need for introduction of a multitrack video API and markup to synchronize external audio description tracks with the main video. Extended audio descriptions should be solved through JavaScript and hooking up through the TimedTrack API, so mostly rolling it by hand at this stage. We will see how that develops in future. Ducking and separate loudness controls are equally needed here, but we do need more experiments in this space.

Finally, we discussed general needs to locate accessibility content such as audio descriptions by vision-impaired user:

  • the need for accessible user menus to turn on/off accessibility content
  • the introduction of dedicated and standardized keyboard short-cuts to turn on and manipulate the volume of audio descriptions (and captions)
  • the introduction of user preferences for automatically activating accessibility content; these could even learn from current usage, such that if a user activates descriptions for a video on one Website, the preferences pick this up; different user profiles are already introduced by ISO in “Access for all” and used in websites such as teachersdomain
  • means to generally locate accessibility content on the web, such as fields in search engines and RSS feeds
  • more generally there was a request to have caption on/off and description on/off buttons be introduced into remote controls of machines, which will become prevalent with the increasing amount of modern TV/Internet integrated devices

Overall, the workshop was a great success and I am keen to see more experimentation in this space. I also hope that some of the great work that was shown to us at IBM with extended descriptions and text descriptions will become available – if only as screencasts – so we can all learn from it to make better standards and technology.

Talk at Web Directions South, Sydney: HTML5 audio and video

On 14th October I gave a talk at Web Directions South on “HTML5 audio and video – using these exciting new elements in practice”.

I wanted to give people an introduction into how to use these elements while at the same time stirring their imagination as to the design possibilities now that these elements are available natively in browsers. I re-used some of the demos that I have put together for the book that I am currently writing, added some of the cool stuff that others have done and finished off with an outlook towards what new features will probably arrive next.

“Slides” are now available, which are really just a Web page with some demos that work in modern browsers.

Table of contents:

HTML5 Audio and Video

  1. Cross browser <video> element
  2. Cross browser <audio> element
  3. Encoding
  4. Fallback considerations
  5. CSS and <video> – samples
  6. <video> and the JavaScript API
  7. <video> and SVG
  8. <video> and Canvas
  9. <video> and Web Workers
  10. <video> and Accessibility
  11. audio plans

State of Media Accessibility in HTML5

Today I gave a talk at the Open Video Conference about the state of the specifications in HTML5 for media accessibility.

To be clear: at this exact moment, there is no actual specification text in the W3C version of HTML5 for media accessibility. There is, however, some text in the WHATWG version, providing a framework for text-based alternative content. Other alternative content still requires new specification text. Finally, there is no implementation in any browser yet for media accessibility, but we are getting closer. As browser vendors are moving towards implementing support for the WHATWG specifications of the <track> element, the TimedTrack JavaScript API, and the WebSRT format, video sites can also experiment with the provided specifications and contribute feedback to improve the specifications.

Attached are my slides from today’s talk. I went through some of the key requirements of accessibility users and showed how they are being met by the new specifications (in green) or could be met with some still-to-be-developed specifications (in blue). Note that the talk and slides focus on accessibility needs, but the developed technologies will be useful far beyond just accessibility needs and will also help satisfy other needs, such as the needs of internationalization (through subtitles), of exposing multitrack audio/video (through the JavaScript API), of providing timed metadata (through WebSRT), or even of supporting Karaoke (through WebSRT). In the tables on the last two pages I summarize the gaps in the specifications where we will be working on next and also show what is already possible with given specifications.

WebSRT and HTML5 media accessibility

On 23rd July, Ian Hickson, the HTML5 editor, posted an update to the WHATWG mailing list introducing the first draft of a platform for accessibility for the HTML5 <video> element. The platform provides for captions, subtitles, audio descriptions, chapter markers and similar time-synchronized text both in-band (inside the video resource) and out-of-band (as external text files). Right now, the proposal only regards <video>, but I personally believe the same can be applied to the <audio> element, except we have to be a bit more flexible with the rendering approach. Anyway…

What I want to do here is to summarize what was introduced, together with the improvements that I and some others have proposed in follow-up emails, and list some of the media accessibility needs that we are not yet dealing with.

For those wanting to only selectively read some sections, here is a clickable table of contents of this rather long blog post:


The first and to everyone probably most surprising part is the new file format that is being proposed to contain out-of-band time-synchronized text for video. A new format was necessary after the analysis of all relevant existing formats determined that they were either insufficient or hard to use in a Web environment.

The new format is called WebSRT and is an extension to the existing SRT SubRip format. It is actually also the part of the new specification that I am personally most uncomfortable with. Not that WebSRT is a bad format. It’s just not sufficient yet to provide all the functionality that a good time-synchronized text format for Web media should. Let’s look at some examples.

WebSRT is composed of a sequence of timed text cues (that’s what we’ve decided to call the pieces of text that are active during a certain time interval). Because of its ancestry of SRT, the text cues can optionally be numbered through. The content of the text cues is currently allowed to contain three different types of text: plain text, minimal markup, and anything at all (also called “metadata”).

In its most simple form, a WebSRT file is just an ordinary old SRT file with optional cue numbers and only plain text in cues:

  00:00:15.00 --> 00:00:17.95
  At the left we can see...

  00:00:18.16 --> 00:00:20.08
  At the right we can see the...

  00:00:20.11 --> 00:00:21.96
  ...the head-snarlers

A bit of a more complex example results if we introduce minimal markup:

  00:00:15.00 --> 00:00:17.95 A:start
  Auf der <i>linken</i> Seite sehen wir...

  00:00:18.16 --> 00:00:20.08 A:end
  Auf der <b>rechten</b> Seite sehen wir die....

  00:00:20.11 --> 00:00:21.96 A:end
  <1>...die Enthaupter.

  00:00:21.99 --> 00:00:24.36 A:start
  <2>Alles ist sicher.
  Vollkommen <b>sicher</b>.

and add to this a CSS to provide for some colors and special formatting:

    ::cue { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); } 
    ::cue-part(1) { color: red; } 
    ::cue-part(2, b) { font-style: normal; text-decoration: underline; } 

Minimal markup accepts <i>, <b>, <ruby> and a timestamp in <>, providing for italics, bold, and ruby markup as well as karaoke timestamps. Any further styling can be done using the CSS pseudo-elements ::cue and ::cue-part, which accept the features ‘color’, ‘text-shadow’, ‘text-outline’, ‘background’, ‘outline’, and ‘font’.

Note that positioning requires some special notes at the end of the start/end timestamps which can provide for vertical text, line position, text position, size and alignment cue setting. Here is an example with vertically rendered Chinese text, right-aligned at 98% of the video frame:

  00:00:15.00 --> 00:00:17.95 A:start D:vertical L:98%

  00:00:18.16 --> 00:00:20.08 A:start D:vertical L:98%

  00:00:20.11 --> 00:00:21.96 A:start D:vertical L:98%

  00:00:21.99 --> 00:00:24.36 A:start D:vertical L:98%

Finally, WebSRT files can be authored with abstract metadata inside cues, which practically means anything at all. Here’s an example with HTML content:

  00:00:15.00 --> 00:00:17.95 A:start
  <img src="pic1.png"/>Auf der <i>linken</i> Seite sehen wir...

  00:00:18.16 --> 00:00:20.08 A:end
  <img src="pic2.png"/>Auf der <b>rechten</b> Seite sehen wir die....

  00:00:20.11 --> 00:00:21.96 A:end
  <img src="pic3.png"/>...die <a href="http://members.chello.nl/j.kassenaar/

  00:00:21.99 --> 00:00:24.36 A:start
  <img src="pic4.png"/>Alles ist <mark>sicher</mark>.<br/>Vollkommen <b>sicher</b>.

Here is another example with JSON in the cues:

  00:00:00.00 --> 00:00:44.00
    slide: intro.png,
    title: "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams" by Randy Pausch, 
             Carnegie Mellon University, Sept 18, 2007

  00:00:44.00 --> 00:01:18.00
    slide: elephant.png,
    title: The elephant in the room...

  00:01:18.00 --> 00:02:05.00
    slide: denial.png,
    title: I'm not in denial...

What I like about WebSRT:

  1. it allows for all sorts of different content in the text cues – plain text is useful for texted audio descriptions, minimal markup is useful for subtitles, captions, karaoke and chapters, and “metadata” is useful for, well, any data.
  2. it can be easily encapsulated into media resources and thus turned into in-band tracks by regarding each cue as a data packet with time stamps.
  3. it is not verbose

Where I think WebSRT still needs improvements:

  1. break with the SRT history: since WebSRT and SRT files are so different, WebSRT should get its own MIME type, e.g. text/websrt, and file extensions, e.g. .wsrt; this will free WebSRT for changes that wouldn’t be possible by trying to keep conformant with SRT
  2. introduce some header fields into WebSRT: the format needs
    • file-wide name-value metadata, such as author, date, copyright, etc
    • language specification for the file as a hint for font selection and speech synthesis
    • a possibility for style sheet association in the file header
    • a means to identify which parser is required for the cues
    • a magic identifier and a version string of the format
  3. allow innerHTML as an additional format in the cues with the CSS pseudo-elements applying to all HTML elements
  4. allow full use of CSS instead of just the restricted features and also use it for positioning instead of the hard to understand positioning hints
  5. on the minimum markup, provide a neutral structuring element such as <span @id @class @lang> to associate specific styles or specific languages with a subpart of the cue

Note that I undertook some experiments with an alternative format that is XML-based and called WMML to gain most of these insights and determine the advantages/disadvantages of a xml-based format. The foremost advantage is that there is no automatism with newlines and displayed new lines, which can make the source text file more readable. The foremost disadvantages are verbosity and that there needs to be a simple encoding step to remove all encapsulating header-type content from around the timed text cues before encoding it into a binary media resource.


Now that we have a timed text format, we need to be able to associate it with a media resource in HTML5. This is what the <track> element was introduced for. It associates the timestamps in the timed text cues with the timeline of the video resource. The browser is then expected to render these during the time interval in which the cues are expected to be active.

Here is an example for how to associate multiple subtitle tracks with a video:

  <video src="california.webm" controls>
    <track label="English" kind="subtitles" src="calif_eng.wsrt" srclang="en">
    <track label="German" kind="subtitles" src="calif_de.wsrt" srclang="de">
    <track label="Chinese" kind="subtitles" src="calif_zh.wsrt" srclang="zh">

In this case, the UA is expected to provide a text menu with a subtitle entry with these three tracks and their label as part of the video controls. Thus, the user can interactively activate one of the tracks.

Here is an example for multiple tracks of different kinds:

  <video src="california.webm" controls>
    <track label="English" kind="subtitles" src="calif_eng.wsrt" srclang="en">
    <track label="German" kind="captions" src="calif_de.wsrt" srclang="de">
    <track label="French" kind="chapter" src="calif_fr.wsrt" srclang="fr">
    <track label="English" kind="metadata" src="calif_meta.wsrt" srclang="en">
    <track label="Chinese" kind="descriptions" src="calif_zh.wsrt" srclang="zh">

In this case, the UA is expected to provide a text menu with a list of track kinds with one entry each for subtitles, captions and descriptions through the controls. The chapter tracks are expected to provide some sort of visual subdivision on the timeline and the metadata tracks are not exposed visually, but are only available through the JavaScript API.

Here are several ideas for improving the <track> specification:

  • <track> is currently only defined for WebSRT resources – it should be made generic and then browsers can compete on the formats for which they provide support. WebSRT could be the baseline format. A @type attribute could be added to hint at the MIME type of the provided resource.
  • <track> needs a means for authors to mark certain tracks as active, others as inactive. This can be overruled by browser settings e.g. on @srclang and by user interaction.
  • karaoke and lyrics are supported by WebSRT, but aren’t in the HTML5 spec as track kinds – they should be added and made visible like subtitles or captions.


This is where we take an extra step and move to a uniform handling of both in-band and out-of-band timed text tracks. Futher, a third type of timed text track has been introduced in the form of a MutableTimedTrack – i.e. one that can be authored and added through JavaScript alone.

The JavaScript API that is exposed for any of these track type is identical. A media element now has this additional IDL interface:

interface HTMLMediaElement : HTMLElement {
  readonly attribute TimedTrack[] tracks;
  MutableTimedTrack addTrack(in DOMString label, in DOMString kind, 
                                 in DOMString language);

A media element thus manages a list of TimedTracks and provides for adding TimedTracks through addTrack().

The timed tracks are associated with a media resource in the following order:

  1. The <track> element children of the media element, in tree order.
  2. Tracks created through the addTrack() method, in the order they were added, oldest first.
  3. In-band timed text tracks, in the order defined by the media resource’s format specification.

The IDL interface of a TimedTrack is as follows:

interface TimedTrack {
  readonly attribute DOMString kind;
  readonly attribute DOMString label;
  readonly attribute DOMString language;
  readonly attribute unsigned short readyState;
           attribute unsigned short mode;
  readonly attribute TimedTrackCueList cues;
  readonly attribute TimedTrackCueList activeCues;
  readonly attribute Function onload;
  readonly attribute Function onerror;
  readonly attribute Function oncuechange;

The first three capture the value of the @kind, @label and @srclang attributes and are provided by the addTrack() function for MutableTimedTracks and exposed from metadata in the binary resource for in-band tracks.

The readyState captures whether the data is available and is one of “not loaded”, “loading”, “loaded”, “failed to load”. Data is only availalbe in “loaded” state.

The mode attribute captures whether the data is activate to be displayed and is one of “disabled”, “hidden” and “showing”. In the “disabled” mode, the UA doesn’t have to download the resource, allowing for some bandwidth management.

The cues and activeCues attributes provide the list of parsed cues for the given track and the subpart thereof that is currently active.

The onload, onerror, and oncuechange functions are event handlers for the load, error and cuechange events of the TimedTrack.

Individual cues expose the following IDL interface:

interface TimedTrackCue {
  readonly attribute TimedTrack track;
  readonly attribute DOMString id;
  readonly attribute float startTime;
  readonly attribute float endTime;
  DOMString getCueAsSource();
  DocumentFragment getCueAsHTML();
  readonly attribute boolean pauseOnExit;
  readonly attribute Function onenter;
  readonly attribute Function onexit;
  readonly attribute DOMString direction;
  readonly attribute boolean snapToLines;
  readonly attribute long linePosition;
  readonly attribute long textPosition;
  readonly attribute long size;
  readonly attribute DOMString alignment;
  readonly attribute DOMString voice;

The @track attribute links the cue to its TimedTrack.

The @id, @startTime, @endTime attributes expose a cue identifier and its associated time interval. The getCueAsSource() and getCueAsHTML() functions provide either an unparsed cue text content or a text content parsed into a HTML DOM subtree.

The @pauseOnExit attribute can be set to true/false and indicates whether at the end of the cue’s time interval the media playback should be paused and wait for user interaction to continue. This is particularly important as we are trying to support extended audio descriptions and extended captions.

The onenter and onexit functions are event handlers for the enter and exit events of the TimedTrackCue.

The @direction, @snapToLines, @linePosition, @textPosition, @size, @alignment and @voice attributes expose WebSRT positioning and semantic markup of the cue.

My only concerns with this part of the specification are:

  • The WebSRT-related attributes in the TimedTrackCue are in conflict with CSS attributes and really should not be introduced into HTML5, since they are WebSRT-specific. They will not exist in other types of in-band or out-of-band timed text tracks. As there is a mapping to do already, why not rely on already available CSS features.
  • There is no API to expose header-specific metadata from timed text tracks into JavaScript. This such as the copyright holder, the creation date and the usage rights of a timed text track would be useful to have available. I would propose to add a list of name-value metadata elements to the TimedTrack API.
  • In addition, I would propose to allow media fragment hyperlinks in a <video> @src attribute to point to the @id of a TimedTextCue, thus defining that the playback position should be moved to the time offset of that TimedTextCue. This is a useful feature and builds on bringing named media fragment URIs and TimedTracks together.


The third part of the timed track framework deals with how to render the timed text cues in a Web page. The rendering rules are explained in the HTML5 rendering section.

I’ve extracted the following rough steps from the rendering algorithm:

  1. All timed tracks of a media resource that are in “showing” mode are rendered together to avoid overlapping text from multiple tracks.
  2. The timed tracks cues that are to be rendered are collected from the active timed tracks and ordered by the timed track order first and by their start time second. Where there are identical start times, the cues are ordered by their end time, earliest first, or by their creation order if all else is identical.
  3. Each cue gets its own CSS box.
  4. The text in the CSS boxes is positioned and formated by interpreting the positioning and formatting instructions of WebSRT that are provided on the cues.
  5. An anonymous inline CSS box is created into which all the cue CSS boxes are wrapped.
  6. The wrapping CSS box gets the dimensions of the video viewport. The cue CSS boxes are positioned so they don’t overlap. The text inside the cue CSS boxes inside the wrapping CSS box is wrapped at the edges if necessary.

To overcome security concerns with this kind of direct rendering of a CSS box into the Web page where text comes potentially from a different and malicious Web site, it is required to have the cues come from the same origin as the Web page.

To allow application of a restricted set of CSS properties to the timed text cues, a set of pseudo-selectors was introduced. This is necessary since all the CSS boxes are anonymous and cannot be addressed from the Web page. The introduced pseudo-selectors are ::cue to address a complete cue CSS box, and ::cue-part to address a subpart of a cue CSS box based on a set of identifiers provided by WebSRT.

I have several issues with this approach:

  • I believe that it is not a good idea to only restrict rendering to same-origin files. This will disallow the use of external captioning services (or even just a separate caption server of the same company) to link to for providing the captions to a video. Henri Sivonen proposed a means to overcome this by parsing every cue basically as its own HTML document (well, the body of a document) and then rendering these in iFrame-manner into the Web page. This would overcome the same-origin restriction. It would also allow to do away with the new ::cue CSS selectors, thus simplifying the solution.
  • In general I am concerned about how tightly the rendering is tied to WebSRT. Step 4 should not be in the HTML5 specification, but only apply to WebSRT. Every external format should provide its own mapping to CSS. As it is specified right now, other formats, such as e.g. 3GPP in MPEG-4 or Kate in Ogg, are required to map their format and positioning information to WebSRT instructions. These are then converted again using the WebSRT to CSS mapping rules. That seems overkill.
  • I also find step 6 very limiting, since only the video viewport is regarded as a potential rendering area – this is also the reason why there is no rendering for audio elements. Instead, it would make a lot more sense if a CSS box was provided by the HTML page – the default being the video viewport, but it could be changed to any area on screen. This would allow to render music lyrics under or above an audio element, or render captions below a video element to avoid any overlap at all.


We’ve made huge progress on accessibility features for HTML5 media elements with the specifications that Ian proposed. I think we can move it to a flexible and feature-rich framework as the improvements that Henri, myself and others have proposed are included.

This will meet most of the requirements that the W3C HTML Accessibility Task Force has collected for media elements where the requirements relate to accessibility functionality provided through alternative text resources.

However, we are not solving any of the accessibility needs that relate to alternative audio-visual tracks and resources. In particular there is no solution yet to deal with multi-track audio or video files that have e.g. sign language or audio description tracks in them – not to speak of the issues that can be introduced through dealing with separate media resources from several sites that need to be played back in sync. This latter may be a challenge for future versions of HTML5, since needs for such synchoronisation of multiple resources have to be explored further.

In a first instance, we will require an API to expose in-band tracks, a means to control their activation interactively in a UI, and a description of how they should be rendered. E.g. should a sign language track be rendered as pciture-in-picture? Clear audio and Sign translation are the two key accessibility needs that can be satisfied with such a multi-track solution.

Finally, another key requirement area for media accessibility is described in a section called “Content Navigation by Content Structure”. This describes the need for vision-impaired users to be able to navigate through a media resource based on semantic markup – think of it as similar to a navigation through a book by book chapters and paragraphs. The introduction of chapter markers goes some way towards satisfying this need, but chapter markers tend to address only big time intervals in a video and don’t let you navigate on a different level to subchapters and paragraphs. It is possible to provide that navigation through providing several chapter tracks at different resolution levels, but then they are not linked together and navigation cannot easily swap between resolution levels.

An alternative might be to include different resolution levels inside a single chapter track and somehow control the UI to manage them as different resolutions. This would only require an additional attribute on text cues and could be useful to other types of text tracks, too. For example, captions could be navigated based on scenes, shots, coversations, or individual captions. Some experimentation will be required here before we can introduce a sensible extension to the given media accessibility framework.

“HTML5 Audio And Video Accessibility, Internationalisation And Usability” talk at Mozilla Summit

For 2 months now, I have been quietly working along on a new Mozilla contract that I received to continue working on HTML5 media accessibility. Thanks Mozilla!

Lots has been happening – the W3C HTML5 accessibility task force published a requirements document, the Media Text Associations proposal made it into the HTML5 draft as a <track> element, and there are discussions about the advantages and disadvantages of the new WebSRT caption format that Ian Hickson created in the WHATWG HTML5 draft.

In attending the Mozilla Summit last week, I had a chance to present the current state of development of HTML5 media accessibility and some of the ongoing work. I focused on the following four current activities on the technical side of things, which are key to satisfying many of the collected media accessibility requirements:

  1. Multitrack Video Support
  2. External Text Tracks Markup in HTML5
  3. External Text Track File Format
  4. Direct Access to Media Fragments

The first three now already have first drafts in the HTML5 specification, though the details still need to be improved and an external text track file format agreed on. The last has had a major push ahead with the Media Fragments WG publishing a Last Call Working Draft. So, on the specification side of things, major progress has been made. On the implementation – even on the example implementation – side of things, we still fall down badly. This is where my focus will lie in the next few months.

Follow this link to read through my slides from the Mozilla 2010 summit.