In the past week, I was invited to an IBM workshop on audio/text descriptions for video in Japan. Geoff Freed and Trisha O’Connell from WGBH, and Michael Evans from BBC research were the other invited experts to speak about the current state of video accessibility around the world and where things are going in TV/digital TV and the Web.
The two day workshop was very productive. The first day was spent with presentations which were open to the public. A large vision-impaired community attended to understand where technology is going. It was very humbling to be part of an English-spoken workshop in Japan, where much of the audience is blind, but speaks English much better than my average experience with English in Japan. I met many very impressive and passionate people that are creating audio descriptions, adapting NVDA for the Japanese market, advocating to Broadcasters and Government to create more audio descriptions, and perform fundamental research for better tools to create audio descriptions. My own presentation was on “HTML5 Video Descriptions“.
On the second day, we only met with the IBM researchers and focused discussions on two topics:
- How to increase the amount of video descriptions
- HTML5 specifications for video descriptions
The first topic included concerns about guidelines for description authoring by beginners, how to raise awareness, who to lobby, and what production tools are required. I personally was more interested in the second topic and we moved into a smaller breakout group to focus on these discussions.
HTML5 specifications for video descriptions
Two topics were discussed related to video descriptions: text descriptions and audio descriptions. Text descriptions are descriptions authored as time-aligned text snippets and read out by a screen reader. Audio descriptions are audio recordings either of a human voice or even of a TTS (text-to-speech) synthesis – in either case, they are audio samples.
For a screen reader, the focus was actually largely on NVDA and people were very excited about the availability of this open source tool. There is a concern about how natural-sounding a screen reader can be made and IBM is doing much research there with some amazing results. In user experiment between WGBH and IBM they found that the more natural the voice sounds, the more people comprehend, but between a good screen reader and an actual human voice there is not much difference in the comprehension level. Broadcasters and other high-end producers are unlikely to accept TTS and will prefer the human voice, but for other materials – in particular for the large majority of content on the Web – TTS and screen readers can make a big difference.
An interesting lesson that I learnt was that video descriptions can be improved by 30% (i.e. 30% better comprehension) if we introduce extended descriptions, i.e. descriptions that can pause the main video to allow for a description be read for something that happens in the video, but where there is no obvious pause to read out the description. So, extended descriptions are one of the major challenges to get right.
We then looked at the path that we are currently progressing on in HTML5 with WebSRT, the TimedTrack API, the <track> elements and the new challenges around a multitrack API.
For text descriptions we identified a need for the following:
- extension marker on cues: often it is very clear to the author of a description cue that there is no time for the cue to be read out in parallel to the main audio and the video needs to be paused. The proposal is for introduction of an extension marker on the cue to pause the video until the screen reader is finished. So, a speech-complete event from the screen reader API needs to be dealt with. To make this reliable, it might make sense to put a max duration on the cue so the video doesn’t end up waiting endlessly in case the screen reader event isn’t fired. The duration would be calculated based on a typical word speaking rate.
- importance marker on cues: the duration of all text cues being read out by screen readers depends on the speed set-up of the screen reader. So, even when a cue has been created for a given audio break in the video, it may or may not fit into this break. For most cues it is important that they are read out completely before moving on, but for some it’s not. So, an importance maker could be introduced that determines whether a video stops at the end of the cue to allow the screen reader to finish, or whether the screen reader is silenced at that time no matter how far it has gotten.
- ducking during cues: making the main audio track quieter in relation to the video description for the duration of a cue such as to allow the comprehension of the video description cue is important for comprehension
- voice hints: an instruction at the beginning of the text description file for what voice to choose such that it won’t collide with e.g. the narrator voice of a video – typically the choice will be for a female voice when the narrator is male and the other way around – this will help initialize the screen reader appropriately
- speed hints: an indicator at the beginning of a text description toward what word rate was used as the baseline for the timing of the cue durations such that a screen reader can be initialized with this
- synthesis directives: while not a priority, eventually it will make for better quality synchronized text if it is possible to include some of the typical markers that speech synthesizers use (see e.g. SSML or speech CSS), including markers for speaker change, for emphasis, for pitch change and other prosody. It was, in fact, suggested that the CSS3’s speech module may be sufficient in particular since Opera already implements it.
This means we need to consider extending WebSRT cues with an “extension” marker and an “importance” marker. WebSRT further needs header-type metadata to include a voice and a speed hint for screen readers. The screen reader further needs to work more closely with the browser and exchange speech-complete events and hints for ducking. And finally we may need to allow for CSS3 speech styles on subparts of WebSRT cues, though I believe this latter one is not of high immediate importance.
For audio descriptions we identified a need for:
- external/in-band descriptions: allowing external or in-band description tracks to be synchronized with the main video. It would be assumed in this case that the timeline of the description track is identical to the main video.
- extended external descriptions: since it’s impossible to create in-band extended descriptions without changing the timeline of the main video, we can only properly solve the issue of extended audio descriptions through external resources. One idea that we came up with is to use a WebSRT file with links to short audio recordings as external extended audio descriptions. These can then be synchronized with the video and pause the video at the correct time etc through JavaScript. This is probably a sufficient solution for now. It supports both, sighted and vision-impaired users and does not extend the timeline of the original video. As an optimization, we can also do this through a single “virtual” resource that is a concatenation of the individual audio cues and is addressed through the WebSRT file with byte ranges.
- ducking: making the main audio track quieter in relation to the video description for the duration of a cue such as to allow the comprehension of the video description cue is important for comprehension also with audio files, though it may be more difficult to realize
- separate loudness control: making it possible for the viewer to separately turn the loudness of an audio description up/down in comparison to the main audio
For audio descriptions, we saw the need for introduction of a multitrack video API and markup to synchronize external audio description tracks with the main video. Extended audio descriptions should be solved through JavaScript and hooking up through the TimedTrack API, so mostly rolling it by hand at this stage. We will see how that develops in future. Ducking and separate loudness controls are equally needed here, but we do need more experiments in this space.
Finally, we discussed general needs to locate accessibility content such as audio descriptions by vision-impaired user:
- the need for accessible user menus to turn on/off accessibility content
- the introduction of dedicated and standardized keyboard short-cuts to turn on and manipulate the volume of audio descriptions (and captions)
- the introduction of user preferences for automatically activating accessibility content; these could even learn from current usage, such that if a user activates descriptions for a video on one Website, the preferences pick this up; different user profiles are already introduced by ISO in “Access for all” and used in websites such as teachersdomain
- means to generally locate accessibility content on the web, such as fields in search engines and RSS feeds
- more generally there was a request to have caption on/off and description on/off buttons be introduced into remote controls of machines, which will become prevalent with the increasing amount of modern TV/Internet integrated devices
Overall, the workshop was a great success and I am keen to see more experimentation in this space. I also hope that some of the great work that was shown to us at IBM with extended descriptions and text descriptions will become available – if only as screencasts – so we can all learn from it to make better standards and technology.
I just found out that the accessibility profiles on teacherdomain are only available to those signed in, so here they are FYI:
Access Preferences:
[ ] Captions for Video and Audio
[ ] Transcripts for Video and Audio
[ ] Audio Descriptions for Video
[ ] Text Descriptions for Images
Warn me if:
…a resource contains a:
[ ] Flashing Hazard
[ ] Sound Hazard
[ ] Motion Simulation Hazard
…a resource requires:
[ ] Color Vision
[ ] Keyboard Control
[ ] Mouse Control
Thank you for reporting of the meetings.
It was very nice for me to join the discussions as a guest member.
@Takuya you are very welcome!
it was so nice being a part of the workshop last December 9 of last year.
Thank you for sharing with us different things about the web accessibility for vision-impaired.
As a visually impared person, i am looking forward for more progress of your activity.
more power to you!