For many years now I have been progressing a deeper view of video on the Web than just as a binary blob. We need direct access to time offsets and sections of videos.
Such direct access can be achieved either by providing a javascript interface through which a video’s playback position can be controlled, or by using URLs that directly communicate with the Web server about controlling the playback position. I will explain the approaches that can be applied on the HTML5 <video> tag for such deep video interaction.
Controlling a video’s playback with javascript
Right now, you can use the video element’s “currentTime” property to read and set the current playback position of a video resource. This is very useful to directly jump between different sections in the video, such as exemplified in the BBC’s recent R&D TV demo. To jump to a time offset in a video, all you have to do in javascript is:
var video = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];
video.currentTime = starttimeoffset;
Further, if you want to stop playback at a certain time point, you can use another functionality of the HTML5 <video> tag: the “timeupdate” event:
video.addEventListener("timeupdate", function() {
if (video.currentTime >= endtimeoffset) {
}}, false);
When the “timeupdate” event fires, which is supposed to happen at a min resolution of 250ms, you can catch the end of your desired interval fairly accurately.
setTimeout / setInterval
Alternatively to using the “timeupdate” event that is provided by the <video> tag, there is always the possibility of using the javascript “setTimeout” or “setInterval” functions:
setTimeout(video.pause(), (endtimeoffset - starttimeoffset)*1000);
The “setTimeout” function is used to call a function or evaluate an expression after a specified number of milliseconds. So, you’d have to call this straight after starting the playback at the given starttimeoffset.
If instead you wanted something to happen at a frequent rate in parallel to the video playback (such as check if you need to display a new ad or a new subtitle), you could use the javascript setInterval function:
setInterval( function() {displaySubtitle(video.currentTime);}, 100);
The “setInterval” function is used to call a function or evaluate an expression at the specified intervall. So, in the given example, every 100ms it is tested whether a new subtitle needs to be displayed for the video current playback time.
Note that for subtitles it makes a lot more sense to use the existing “timeupdate” event of the video rather than creating a frequenty setInterval interrupt, since this will continue calling the function until clearInterval() is called or the window is closed. Also, the BBC found in experiments with Firefox that “timeupdate” is more accurate than polling the “currentTime” regularly.
Controlling a video’s playback through a URL
There are some existing example implementations that control a video’s playback time through a URL.
In 2001, in the Annodex project we proposed temporal URIs and implemented the spec for Ogg content. This is now successfully in use at, where it is very useful since Metavid handles very long videos where direct access to subsections is critical. A URL such as work well to directly view that segment.
More recently, YouTube rolled out a URI scheme to directly jump to an offset in a YouTube video, e.g. While most YouTube content is short form, and such direct access may not make much sense for a video of less than 2 min duration, some YouTube content is long enough to make this a very useful feature.
You may have noticed that the YouTube use of URIs for jumping to offsets is slightly different to the one used by Metavid. The YouTube video will be displayed as always, but the playback position in the video player changes based on the time offset. The Metavid video in contrast will not display a transport bar for the full video, but instead only present the requested part of the video with an appropriate localised keyframe.
Having realised the need for such URLs, the W3C created a Media Fragments working group.
Proposed Time schemes
For temporal addressing, it currently proposes the following schemes:
If there is no time scheme given, it defaults to “npt”, which stands for “normal playback time”. It is basically a time offset given in seconds, but can be provided in a few different formats.
If a “smpte” scheme is given, the time code is provided in the way in which DVRs display time codes, namely according to the SMPTE timecode standard.
Finally, a “clock” time scheme can be given. This is relevant in particular to live streaming applications, which would like to provide a URL under which a live video is provided, but also allow the user to jump back in time to previously streamed data.
Fragments and Queries
Further, the W3C Media Fragment Working Group is discussing the use of both URI addressing schemes for time offsets: fragments (“#”) and queries (“?”).
The important difference is that queries produce a new resource, while fragments provide a sub-resource.
This means that if you load a URI such as,100 , the resulting resource is a video of duration 40s. Since relates to the full resource, it is possible to expect from the user agent (i.e. web browser) to display a timeline of 60-100 rather than 0-40 – after all, the browser could just get this out of the URL. However, it is essentially a new resource and could therefore just be regarded as a different video.
If instead you load a URI such as,100, the user agent recognizes as the resource and knows that it is supposed to display the 40s extract of that resource. Using no special server support, the browser could just implement this using the currentTime and timeUpdate javascript functionality.
An optimisation should, however, be made on this latter fragment delivery such that a user does not have to wait until the full beginning of the resource is downloaded before playback starts: Web servers should be expected to implement a server extension that can deal with such offsets and then deliver from the time offset rather than the beginning of the file.
How this is communicated to the server – what extra headers or http communication mechanisms should be used – is currently under discussion at the W3C Media Fragments working group.