Tag Archives: HTML5 video

HTML5 video: 25% H.264 reach vs. 95% Ogg Theora reach

Vimeo started last week with a HTML5 beta test. They use the H.264 codec, probably because much of their content is already in this format through the Flash player.

But what really surprised me was their claim that roughly 25% of their users will be able to make use of their HTML5 beta test. The statement is that 25% of their users use Safari, Chrome, or IE with Chrome Frame. I wondered how they got to that number and what that generally means to the amount of support of H.264 vs Ogg Theora on the HTML5-based Web.

According to Statcounter’s browser market share statistics, the percentage of browsers that support HTML5 video is roughly: 31.1%, as summed up from Firefox 3.5+ (22.57%), Chrome 3.0+ (5.21%), and Safari 4.0+ (3.32%) (Opera’s recent release is not represented yet).

Out of those 31.1%,

8.53% browsers support H.264


27.78% browsers support Ogg Theora.

Given these numbers, Vimeo must assume that roughly 16% of their users have Chrome Frame in IE installed. That would be quite a number, but it may well be that their audience is special.

So, how is Ogg Theora support doing in comparison, if we allow such browser plugins to be counted?

With an installation of XiphQT, Safari can be turned into a browser that supports Ogg Theora. The Chome Frame installation will also turn IE into a Ogg Theora supporting browser. These could get the browser support for Ogg Theora up to 45%. Compare this to a claimed 48% of MS Silverlight support.

But we can do even better for Ogg Theora. If we use the Java Cortado player as a fallback inside the video element, we can capture all those users that have Java installed, which could be as high as 90%, taking Ogg Theora support potentially up to 95%, almost up to the claimed 99% of Adobe Flash.

I’m sure all these numbers are disputable, but it’s an interesting experiment with statistics and tells us that right now, Ogg Theora has better browser support than H.264.

UPDATE: I was told this article sounds aggressive. By no means am I trying to be aggressive – I am stating the numbers as they are right now, because there is a lot of confusion in the market. People believe they reach less audience if they publish in Ogg Theora compared to H.264. I am trying to straighten this view.

HTML5 Video element discussions at TPAC meetings

Last week’s TPAC (2009 W3C Technical Plenary / Advisory Committee) meetings were my second time at a TPAC and I found myself becoming highly involved with the progress on accessibility on the HTML5 video element. There were in particular two meetings of high relevanct: the Video Accessibility workshop and Friday’s HTML5 breakout group on the video element.

HTML5 Video Accessibility Workshop

The week started on Sunday with the “HTML5 Video Accessibility workshop” at Stanford University, organised by John Foliot and Dave Singer. They brought together a substantial number of people all representing a variety of interest groups. Everyone got their chance to present their viewpoint – check out the minutes of the meeting for a complete transcript.

The list of people and their discussion topics were as follows:

Accessibility Experts

  • Janina Sajka, chair of WAI Protocols and Formats: represented the vision-impaired community and expressed requirements for a deeply controllable access interface to audio-visual content, preferably in a structured manner similar to DAISY.
  • Sally Cain, RNIB, Member of W3C PF group: expressed a deep need for audio descriptions, which are often overlooked besides captions.
  • Ken Harrenstien, Google: has worked on captioning support for video.google and YouTube and shared his experiences, e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRS8MkLhQmM, and automated translation.
  • Victor Tsaran, Yahoo! Accessibility Manager: joined for a short time out of interest.


  • John Foliot, professor at Stanford Uni: showed a captioning service that he set up at Stanford University to enable lecturers to publish more accessible video – it uses humans for transcription, but automated tools to time-align, and provides a Web interface to the staff.
  • Matt May, Adobe: shared what Adobe learnt about accessibility in Flash – in particular that an instream-only approach to captions was a naive approach and that external captions are much more flexible, extensible, and can fit into current workflows.
  • Frank Olivier, Microsoft: attended to listen and learn.


  • Pierre-Antoine Champin from Liris (France), who was not able to attend, sent a video about their research work on media accessibility using automatic and manual annotation.
  • Hironobu Takagi, IBM Labs Tokyo, general chair for W4A: demonstrated a text-based audio description system combined with a high-quality, almost human-sounding speech synthesizer.
  • Dick Bulterman, Researcher at CWI in Amsterdam, co-chair of SYMM (group at W3C doing SMIL): reported on 14 years of experience with multimedia presentations and SMIL (slides) and the need to make temporal and spatial synchronisation explicit to be able to do the complex things.
  • Joakim S

Web Directions South 2009 talk on HTML5 video

Yesterday, I gave a talk on the HTML5 video element at Web Directions South.

The title was “Taking HTML5 <video> a step further” and the abstract was provided goes as follows:

This talk focuses on the efforts engaged by W3C to improve the new HTML 5 media elements with mechanisms to allow people to access multimedia content, including audio and video. Such developments are also useful beyond accessibility needs and will lead to a general improvement of the usability of media, making media discoverable and generally a prime citizen on the Web.

Silvia will discuss what is currently technically possible with the HTML5 media elements, and what is still missing. She will describe a general framework of accessibility for HTML5 media elements and present her work for the Mozilla Corporation that includes captions, subtitles, textual audio annotations, timed metadata, and other time-aligned text with the HTML5 media elements. Silvia will also discuss work of the W3C Media Fragments group to further enhance video usability and accessibility by making it possible to directly address temporal offsets in video, as well as spatial areas and tracks.

Here are my slides:

Download the pdf from here.

There was also a video recording and I will add that here as soon as it is published.

The video is available on Tinyvid:

I’m not going to try and upload this 50min long video to YouTube – with it’s 10 min limit, I won’t get very far.

WebJam 2009 talk on video accessibility

On Wednesday evening I gave a 3 min presentation on video accessibility in HTML5 at the WebJam in Sydney. I used a video as my presentation means and explained things while playing it back. Here is the video, without my oral descriptions, but probably still useful to some. Note in particular how you can experience the issues of deaf (HoH), blind (VI) and foreign language users:

The Ogg version is here.

New proposal for captions and other timed text for HTML5

The first specification for how to include captions, subtitles, lyrics, and similar time-aligned text with HTML5 media elements has received a lot of feedback – probably because there are several demos available.

The feedback has encouraged me to develop a new specification that includes the concerns and makes it easier to associate out-of-band time-aligned text (i.e. subtitles stored in separate files to the video/audio file). A simple example of the new specification using srt files is this:

<video src="video.ogv" controls>
   <itextlist category="CC">
     <itext src="caption_en.srt" lang="en"/>
     <itext src="caption_de.srt" lang="de"/>
     <itext src="caption_fr.srt" lang="fr"/>
     <itext src="caption_jp.srt" lang="jp"/>

By default, the charset of the itext file is UTF-8, and the default format is text/srt (incidentally a mime type the still needs to be registered). Also by default the browser is expected to select for display the track that matches the set default language of the browser. This has been proven to work well in the previous experiments.

Check out the new itext specification, read on to get an introduction to what has changed, and leave me your feedback if you can!

The itextlist element
You will have noticed that in comparison to the previous specification, this specification contains a grouping element called “itextlist”. This is necessary because we have to distinguish between alternative time-aligned text tracks and ones that can be additional, i.e. displayed at the same time. In the first specification this was done by inspecting each itext element’s category and grouping them together, but that resulted in much repetition and unreadable specifications.

Also, it was not clear which itext elements were to be displayed in the same region and which in different ones. Now, their styling can be controlled uniformly.

The final advantage is that association of callbacks for entering and leaving text segments as extracted from the itext elements can now be controlled from the itextlist element in a uniform manner.

This change also makes it simple for a parser to determine the structure of the menu that is created and included in the controls element of the audio or video element.

Incidentally, a patch for Firefox already exists that makes this part of the browser. It does not yet support this new itext specification, but here is a screenshot that Felipe Corr

Updated video accessibility demo

Just a brief note to share that I have updated the video accessibility demo at http://www.annodex.net/~silvia/itext/elephant_no_skin.html.

It should now support ARIA and tab access to the menu, which I have simply put next to the video. I implemented the menu by learning from YUI. My Firefox 3.5.3 actually doesn’t tab through it, but then it also doesn’t tab through the YUI example, which I think is correct. Go figure.

Also, the textual audio descriptions are improved and should now work better with screenreaders.

I have also just prepared a recorded audio description of “Elephants Dreams” (German accent warning).

You can also download the multitrack Ogg Theora video file that contains the original audio and video track plus the audio description as an extra track, created using oggz-merge.

As soon as some kind soul donates a sign language track for “Elephants Dream”, I will have a pretty complete set of video accessibility tracks for that video. This will certainly become the basis for more video a11y work!

Demo of deep hyperlinking into HTML5 video

In an effort to give a demo of some of the W3C Media Fragment WG specification capabilities, I implemented a HTML5 page with a video element that reacts to fragment offset changes to the URL bar and the <video> element.

Demo Features

The demo can be found on the Annodex Web server. It has the following features:

If you simply load that Web page, you will see the video jump to an offset because it is referred to as “elephants_dream/elephant.ogv#t=20”.

If you change or add a temporal fragment in the URL bar, the video jumps to this time offset and overrules the video’s fragment addressing. (This only works in Firefox 3.6, see below – in older Firefoxes you actually have to reload the page for this to happen.) This functionality is similar to a time linking functionality that YouTube also provides.

When you hit the “play” button on the video and let it play a bit before hitting “pause” again – the second at which you hit “pause” is displayed in the page’s URL bar . In Firefox, this even leads to an addition to the browser’s history, so you can jump back to the previous pause position.

Three input boxes allow for experimentation with different functionality.

  • The first one contains a link to the current Web page with the media fragment for the current video playback position. This text is displayed for cut-and-paste purposes, e.g. to send it in an email to friends.
  • The second one is an entry box which accepts float values as time offsets. Once entered, the video will jump to the given time offset. The URL of the video and the page URL will be updated.
  • The third one is an entry box which accepts a video URL that replaces the <video> element’s @src attribute value. It is meant for experimentation with different temporal media fragment URLs as they get loaded into the <video> element.

Javascript Hacks

You can look at the source code of the page – all the javascript in use is actually at the bottom of the page. Here are some of the juicy bits of what I’ve done:

Since Web browsers do not support the parsing and reaction to media fragment URIs, I implemented this in javascript. Once the video is loaded, i.e. the “loadedmetadata” event is called on the video, I parse the video’s @currentSrc attribute and jump to a time offset if given. I use the @currentSrc, because it will be the URL that the video element is using after having parsed the @src attribute and all the containing <source> elements (if they exist). This function is also called when the video’s @src attribute is changed through javascript.

This is the only bit from the demo that the browsers should do natively. The remaining functionality hooks up the temporal addressing for the video with the browser’s URL bar.

To display a URL in the URL bar that people can cut and paste to send to their friends, I hooked up the video’s “pause” event with an update to the URL bar. If you are jumping around through javascript calls to video.currentTime, you will also have to make these changes to the URL bar.

Finally, I am capturing the window’s “hashchange” event, which is new in HTML5 and only implemented in Firefox 3.6. This means that if you change the temporal offset on the page’s URL, the browser will parse it and jump the video to the offset time.


Doing these kinds of jumps around on video can be very slow when the seeking is happening on the remote server. Firefox actually implements seeking over the network, which in the case of Ogg can require multiple jumps back and forth on the remote video file with byte range requests to locate the correct offset location.

To reduce as much as possible the effort that Firefox has to make with seeking, I referred to Mozilla’s very useful help page to speed up video. It is recommended to deliver the X-Content-Duration HTTP header from your Web server. For Ogg media, this can be provided through the oggz-chop CGI. Since I didn’t want to install it on my Apache server, I hard coded X-Content-Duration in a .htaccess file in the directory that serves the media file. The .htaccess file looks as follows:

<Files "elephant.ogv">
Header set X-Content-Duration "653.791"

This should now help Firefox to avoid the extra seek necessary to determine the video’s duration and display the transport bar faster.

I also added the @autobuffer attribute to the <video> element, which should make the complete video file available to the browser and thus speed up seeking enormously since it will not need to do any network requests and can just do it on the local file.


This is only a first and very simple demo of media fragments and video. I have not made an effort to capture any errors or to parse a URL that is more complicated than simply containing “#t=”. Feel free to report any bugs to me in the comments or send me patches.

Also, I have not made an effort to use time ranges, which is part of the W3C Media Fragment spec. This should be simple to add, since it just requires to stop the video playback at the given end time.

Also, I have only implemented parsing of the most simple default time spec in seconds and fragments. None of the more complicated npt, smpte, or clock specifications have been implemented yet.

The possibilities for deeper access to video and for improved video accessibility with these URLs are vast. Just imagine hooking up the caption elements of e.g. an srt file with temporal hyperlinks and you can provide deep interaction between the video content and the captions. You could even drive this to the extreme and jump between single words if you mark up each with its time relationship. Happy experimenting!

UPDATE: I forgot to mention that it is really annoying that the video has to be re-loaded when the @src attribute is changed, even if only the hash changes. As support for media fragments is implemented in <video> and <audio> elements, it would be advantageous if the “load()” function checked whether only the hash changed and does not re-load the full resource in these cases.

Thanks go to Chris Double and Chris Pearce from Mozilla for their feedback and suggestions for improvement on an early version of this.

More video accessibility work

It’s already old news, but I am really excited about having started a new part-time contract with Mozilla to continue pushing the HTML5 video and audio elements towards accessibility.

My aim is two-fold: firstly to improve the HTML5 audio and video tags with textual representations, and secondly to hook up the Ogg file format with these accessibility features through an Ogg-internal text codec.

The textual representation that I am after is closely based on the itext elements I have been proposing for a while. They are meant to be a simple way to associate external subtitle/caption files with the HTML5 video and audio tags. I am initially looking at srt and DFXP formats, because I think they are extremes of a spectrum of time-aligned text formats from simple to complex. I am preparing a specification and javascript demonstration of the itext feature and will then be looking for constructive criticism from accessibility, captioning, Web, video and any other expert who cares to provide input. My hope is to move the caption discussion forward on the WHATWG and ultimately achieve a cross-browser standard means for associating time-aligned text with media streams.

The Ogg-internal solution for subtitles – and more generally for time-aligned text – is then a logical next step towards solving accessibility. From the many discussions I have had on the topic of how best to associate subtitles with video I have learnt that there is a need for both: external text files with subtitles, as well as subtitles that are multiplexed with the media into a single binary fie. Here, I am particularly looking at the Kate codec as a means of multiplexing srt and DFXP into Ogg.

Eventually, the idea is to have a seamless interface in the Web Browser for dealing with subtitles, captions, karaoke, timed metadata, and similar time-aligned text. The user interaction should be identical no matter whether the text comes from within a binary media file or from a secondary Web resource. Once this seamless interface exists, hooking up accessibility tools such as screen readers or braille devices to the data should in theory be simple.

Javascript libraries for support

Now that Firefox 3.5 is released with native HTML5 <video> tag support, it seems that there is a new javascript library every day that provides fallback mechanisms for older browsers or those that do not support Ogg Theora.

This blog post collects the javascript libraries that I have found thus far and that are for different purposes, so you can pick the one most appropriate for you. Be aware that the list is probably already outdated when I post the article, so if you could help me keeping it up-to-date with comments, that would be great. 🙂

Before I dig into the libraries, let me explain how fallback works with <video>.

Generally, if you’re using the HTML5 <video> element, your fallback mechanism for browsers that do not support <video> is the HTML code your write inside the <video> element. A browser that supports the <video> element will not interpret the content, while all other browsers will:

<video src="video.ogv" controls>
Your browser does not support the HTML5 video element.

To do more than just text, you could provide a video fallback option. There are basically two options: you can fall back to a Flash solution:

<video src="video.ogv" controls>
<object width="320" height="240">
<param name="movie" value="video.swf">
<embed src="video.swf" width="320" height="240">

or if you are using Ogg Theora and don’t want to create a video in a different format, you can fall back to using the java player called cortado:

<video src="video.ogv" controls width="320" height="240">
<applet code="com.fluendo.player.Cortado.class" archive="http://theora.org/cortado.jar" width="320" height="240">
<param name="url" value="video.ogv"/>

Now, even if your browser support’s the <video> element, it may not be able to play the video format of your choice. For example, Firefox and Opera only support Ogg Theora, while Safari/Webkit supports MPEG4 and other codecs that the QuickTime framework supports, and Chrome supports both Ogg Theora and MPEG4. For this situation, the <video> element has an in-built selection mechanism: you do not put a “src” attribute onto the <video> element, but rather include <source> elements inside <video> which the browser will try one after the other until it finds one it plays:

<video controls width="320" height="240">
<source src="video.ogv" type="video/ogg" />
<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

You can of course combine all the methods above to optimise the experience for your users, which is what has been done in this and this (Video For Everybody) example without the use of javascript. I actually like these approaches best and you may want to check them out before you consider using a javascript library.

But now, let’s look at the promised list of javascript libraries.

Firstly, let’s look at some libraries that let you support more than just one codec format. These allow you to provide video in the format most preferable by the given browser-mediaframework-OS combination. Note that you will need to encode and provide your videos in multiple formats for these to work.

  • mv_embed: this is probably the library that has been around the longest to provide &let;video> fallback mechanisms. It has evolved heaps over the last years and now supports Ogg Theora and Flash fallbacks.
  • several posts that demonstrate how to play flv files in a <video> tag.
  • html5flash: provides on top of the Ogg Theora and MPEG4 codec support also Flash support in the HTML5 video element through a chromeless Flash video player. It also exposes the <video> element’s javascript API to Flash content.
  • foxyvideo: provides a fallback flash player and a JavaScript library for HTML5 video controls that also includes a nearly identical ActionScript implementation.

Finally, let’s look at some libraries that are only focused around Ogg Theora support in browsers:

  • Celt’s javascript: a minimal javascript that checks for native Ogg Theora <video> support and the VLC plugin, and falls back to Cortado if nothing else works.
  • stealthisfilm’s javascript: checks for native support, VLC, liboggplay, Totem, any other Ogg Theora player, and cortado as fallback.
  • Wikimedia’s javascript: checks for QuickTime, VLC, native, Totem, KMPlayer, Kaffeine and Mplayer support before falling back to Cortado support.