Tag Archives: Wikimedia

$100K towards Xiph developers

Today, Wikimedia and Mozilla announced a grant provided by the Mozilla Corporation towards maturing the support of Ogg in the Firefox Web browser. I’m happy to have helped in making the proposal become concrete and now we have the following three Xiph developers working on it:

  • Viktor Gal – the maintainer of liboggplay
  • Conrad Parker – the key developer of multiple Ogg support libraries, in particular liboggz
  • Tim Terriberry – the key developer of Ogg Theora

Viktor will work towards stabilising the current Ogg Theora support in Firefox, Conrad will work towards Ogg network seeking, language selection and improved library support, and Tim will include the new Thusnelda Theora encoder improvements into Theora mainstream.

Looking forward to awesome Firefox video technology!

UPDATE – Other posts on this topic: