How to display seeked position for HTML5 video

Recently, I was asked for some help on coding with an HTML5 video element and its events. In particular the question was: how do I display the time position that somebody seeked to in a video?

Here is a code snipped that shows how to use the seeked event:

<video onseeked="writeVideoTime(this.currentTime);" src="video.ogv" controls></video>
<p>position:</p><div id="videotime"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// get video element
var video = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];
function writeVideoTime(t) {

Other events that can be used in a similar way are:

  • loadstart: UA requests the media data from the server
  • progress: UA is fetching media data from the server
  • suspend: UA is on purpose idling on the server connection mid-fetching
  • abort: UA aborts fetching media data from the server
  • error: UA aborts fetching media because of a network error
  • emptied: UA runs out of network buffered media data (I think)
  • stalled: UA is waiting for media data from the server
  • play: playback has begun after play() method returns
  • pause: playback has been paused after pause() method returns
  • loadedmetadata: UA has received all its setup information for the media resource, duration and dimensions and is ready to play
  • loadeddata: UA can render the media data at the current playback position for the first time
  • waiting: playback has stopped because the next frame is not available yet
  • playing: playback has started
  • canplay: playback can resume, but at risk of buffer underrun
  • canplaythrough: playback can resume without estimated risk of buffer underrun
  • seeking: seeking attribute changed to true (may be too short to catch)
  • seeked: seeking attribute changed to false
  • timeupdate: current playback position changed enough to report on it
  • ended: playback stopped at media resource end; ended attribute is true
  • ratechange: defaultPlaybackRate or playbackRate attribute have just changed
  • durationchange: duration attribute has changed
  • volumechange:volume attribute or the muted attribute has changed

Please refer to the actual event list in the specification for more details and more accurate information on the events.

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